Bosnia and Herzegovina 

New contracts between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and BH Telecom amounting to HRK 32 million

BH Telecom, the largest operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. signed new contracts amounting to HRK 32 million. The contracts are related to the extension of 3G network, as well as to the upgrade of the core network of BH Telecom. The extension of 3G network confirms the satisfaction of BH Telecom with the cooperation with Ericsson Nikola Tesla, in the initial phase of introduction the 3G technology. The contract covers the delivery, installation and integration of the equipment, i.e. it is made on the turn key principle. The upgrade of the core network additionally confirms the power of Ericsson Nikola Tesla in the field of the system integration, as well as strong competences of the company professionals. The realization of the above projects starts immediately.


Gordana Kovačević, MSc EE, made comments on the above signed contracts: „I’m very pleased, that on the basis of further extension of BH Telecom 3G network, we shall enable the offering of the advanced 3G services to the considerably larger number of Bosnia and Herzegovina citizens. This achievement is the result of the strategic commitment of BH Telecom to introduce new technologies, and simultaneously it confirms the excellent cooperation between the two companies”.


Ericsson Nikola Tesla Communication